Frequently asked questions.
























































































What are the objectives of HAT?


To provide financial assistance and practical support for the education of vulnerable girls in Kenya.


When was HAT founded?


The company was registered as a charity with the Charity Commission on 2 March 2007 following which it began operations in Kenya.


What are the registered numbers?


Company registration number 05924990; registered charity number 1118193.


Why was it founded, and by whom?


It was founded by Roger Hooper a wildlife photographer with a deep and abiding love for Africa where he has been involved in photographing wildlife for many years.  During his travels, Roger became aware that there were many students, particularly girls, the parents of whom were unable to afford secondary education because they came from poor backgrounds.  In order to help them realise their potential, HAT was founded.


How many students do you help each year?


The intention is to take on ten new beneficiaries for secondary education each year.  Secondary education lasts for four years.  This means that at any one time there are approximately forty students enrolled in the programme. By January 2016, HAT will have taken on more than 120 students.  In addition, some students at the end of secondary education are assisted with the cost of university, college or a vocational course.


Who funds the charity?


To date, the charity has been funded almost entirely by Roger Hooper.


How much money is spent on administration?


None of the Trustees receive any remuneration or expenses for their involvement. This includes the visits by the UK Trustees to Kenya that take place every other year and for which the Trustees pay their own way without any financial assistance from HAT. The Accountants and Solicitors for HAT in the UK do not make any charge for their services but deal with everything on a pro bono basis.


Can I have any contact with one of the beneficiaries if I donate to the charity?


No, HAT has a very strict policy that a donor should not “adopt” one of the children as it can lead to false expectations for both parties.


How does the charity provide the education costs?


There is a reciprocal charity, registered in Kenya and also called Hoopers Africa Trust. This charity is made up of trustees who wish to further the education of girls. Each year HAT Kenya produces a budget of projected expenditure. This budget is agreed with the Trustees of HAT UK. Both charities have accountants who prepare accounts to the required standard in each country. The accounts of HAT Kenya are submitted to the Trustees of HAT UK together with a full breakdown of expenditure incurred in the period covered by the accounts. Funds are held by HAT UK and then paid in lump sums several times each year to “top up” the bank account of HAT Kenya as needed. HAT Kenya then pay the school fees, travel and accommodation costs.


Do either of the charities have any employees?


There are no employees in England but the scale of the operations in Kenya requires the employment of two members of staff. One is a manager who reports to Paul Kirui, the Chairman of HAT Kenya. The manager assesses the numerous applications that are received for grants for secondary school pupils and then to verify the applications of the pupils who are shortlisted. A part time secretary is employed. Between her and the manager, all administrative matters have to be dealt with such as providing the students with uniforms and personal items as well as the cost of transport from their homes to school. In addition, the charity rents a small office from a local co-operative. This is where the library of books owned by the charity is retained. Nevertheless the administrative costs are very modest compared to the total expenditure. The rent of the offices plus salaries of the two employees are approximately £8,000 per annum.


Why is HAT asking for more funds now?


To continue our work by allowing HAT to send more students for further education. Ideally, HAT would like to be able to offer some sort of course of further education to each of the students who completes her secondary education.


How can I make a donation?


Either send us a cheque payable to Hoopers Africa Trust or by clicking the MyDonate button on the home page or under the “donate” page on our website.


How can I speak to one of the Trustees to find out more about the charity or to deal with any queries that I may have?


On the website you will find a contact page. If you complete the form with your contact details and message, one of the Trustees will contact you.


© 2023. Hoopers Africa Trust. Registered charity in England - Charity number 1118193 - Company number 05924990 - Registered Office: 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London. WC2A 3TH     UNSUBSCRIBE