Kenya December 2021

After two very long years I finally returned to Kenya in December 2021. It was wonderful to once again experience those wide open spaces and huge skies of the Masai Mara.  I had almost forgotten how beautiful it is. I also spent time in Olare Motorogi Conservancy where I had some great leopard sightings of Tito and Fig with their cubs. I hope you enjoy some of my images from the trip.

Click here or on the image below to view a gallery of further images.



Latitude Summer exhibition. gallery@oxo

Firstly, let me thank all that managed to make it to my summer exhibition at the gallery@oxo. It was so lovely to engage face to face with people after such a difficult 18 months for us all.

Obviously numbers were significantly reduced with the lack of tourists especially those from abroad.

For those that did not manage to make it, below are a couple of pictures of the gallery all set up and a link to an online gallery of the images I had on display.

Click for access to the online gallery. Latitude at the gallery@oxo

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My Summer Exhibition July 2020

Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you well during these challenging times.

As many of you know, this week should have seen the opening of my annual Summer Exhibition at the gallery@oxo on London’s South Bank. Unfortunately, as with so many planned events, We have had to cancel. I will of course miss seeing you all. Last year, during the Exhibition’s four weeks run, the gallery saw more than fourteen thousand visitors through its doors, so it will be a much quieter time for me this year. The good news is, however, that I am taking this year’s Exhibition online, where you can view many of my favourite images from around the globe which I hope you will enjoy.

Hopefully it won’t be too long before I can return to the Masai Mara in Kenya. Despite having travelled to all seven continents, it is still one of my favourite places on earth and a place I visit often, not only as a photographer, but also for my charity, Hoopers Africa Trust (HAT). With Kenya going into lockdown and schools and universities closing, our HAT students have been sent home to their villages.

Looking further ahead, I am pleased to announce that I will be exhibiting again at gallery@oxo in Summer 2021 and very much look forward to seeing you then if not before!

Please click here or on the image below to view my virtual summer exhibition:


For more information about HAT please go to:

Warmest wishes,

Roger Hooper

The Masai Mara, Kenya

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

It was great to see so many of you at my summer exhibition at the gallery@oxo. Thank you for your continued support throughout 2019 for both my photography and my charity.  A huge thank you to those who purchased my new book “Latitude”, all the proceeds from the sale of my books are donated directly to my Charity Hoopers Africa Trust. Please click on the link to see some of the wonderful achievements of Hoopers Africa Trust in 2019.

I have added some new images from my recent trip to the Masai Mara and Olare Orok Conservancy in Kenya.

Click here or on the image below to view a gallery of further images:


Leopards of the Masai Mara

I have just returned from the Masai Mara and Olare Orok Conservancy in Kenya with my friend and guide Paul Kirui.  I was fortunate enough to photograph seven leopards, Kaboso and her cub, Tito and her cub, Siri, Fig and Figlet. It is easy to see why leopards really are my favourite animal to photograph. To view the images click on the link below:

Click here or on the image below to view a gallery of further images…


Remembering Lions

Remembering Lions: By Wildlife Photographers United

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I am delighted to have been a contributing photographer for Remembering Lions, the fourth book in the highly acclaimed Remembering Wildlife series which was created by wildlife photographer Margot Raggett.

With a foreword by Jonathan & Angela Scott, Remembering Lions is full of beautiful images donated by more than 70 of the world’s top wildlife photographers with an aim to raise awareness of the plight facing lions and also to raise funds to protect them.

The book was launched this week at The Royal Geographic Society in London.

Remembering Lions Exhibition

There is a free exhibition of images from Remembering Lions at La Galleria, Pall Mall in London, running until Saturday, 26th October, 2019. The exhibition will be open every day from 10am to 5pm, except on Saturday, 26th October, when it will close at 4pm.

To purchase a copy of Remembering Lions and help support this wonderful cause, please go to:


Kenya – September 2019

I have just returned from our biennial trustees visit to my Charity, Hoopers Africa Trust Kenya in the Masai Mara. The Charity provides education to disadvantaged girls in Kenya. See for more information or to make a donation to this great cause.

Whilst there I was able to allocate some time to my photography. August is one of the best times for photographing the migrations of Wildebeest. With daunting crossings and hungry lions, there are plenty of wonderful photographic opportunities .

Below is one of my favourite images from the trip. Click on the image below to view a gallery of further images…migration-1

Exhibition Update

August 18th was the final day of my exhibition at the gallery@oxo, we had a staggering number of visitors through the door, more than 16,000 people over the duration of the exhibition. Thanks to all who visited and to those who helped make it such a great success.

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